Peru - El Palto 250g

95 kr
Taste profile: A light fruity coffee with a round and balanced mouthfeel
Region: Amazon

Species: Caturra, Typica, Catimor
Certification: Organic
Cultivation altitude: 1300-1800m
Process: Fermented in water without skin contact
Rust profile: Light rust
Color profile: 105-115CTn

JUMARP Mujeres Asociación de Productores Cafetaleros Juan Marco "El Palto" - in short JUMARP was founded by José Carranza Barboza in 2003 together with 35 other small farmers.

They created the association out of a desire to develop a new, producer-focused model for growing and exporting coffee. Mujeres – Spanish for women – seeks to improve the social and economic status of female members. The cooperative noticed that women were usually only peripherally involved in the cooperative, especially when it came to decision-making. To increase women's participation, they identified barriers to women's active participation and then began implementing measures to get women more involved. The Mujeres program helps women develop their knowledge and skills in leadership, self-esteem, decision-making, business management and teamwork. Participants also receive sensory training and learn how to roast to help them sell their coffee at a local market. In fact, the project has been so successful that we have been invited to purchase three exciting plots of land. The first is this batch, Mujeres Organic Washed. This batch is a mix of many of the Mujeres participants' farms. The other two lots directly from female producers in the Mujeres program. Very few women who grow coffee in Peru have the opportunity to sell microlots under their names. This is usually due to a number of compounding factors including (but not limited to): land tenure, gender inequality and an imbalance of power between farmers – especially women – and buyers. With the help of JUMARP and their Mujeres program, Floremilda Baca Ramirez and Dolores Concepcion Visalot Arvalo have overcome the multiplicity of barriers that make women's names on microlots so rare and produced microlots sold under their own names.